Finally Some Sun!

Friday, May 21, 2010 | by Elaine | Labels: , , , , | 2 comments

Henry convinces Murphy to play

Annie uses a stick she found to get Henry to play chase.

Kiko and Annie take in the sights and smells.

Annie giving her "cute face".

Abbey exploring the hillside.

Beach Day!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 | by Elaine | Labels: , , , | 1 comments

The dogs had a blast at the beach! I loved watching them run and play. Henry, the labradoodle, met my beagle Splash for the first time. They hit it off and ran and wrestled together. I love this shot of Henry flying over Splash's head!

Murphy the Basset Hound enjoyed Splash's company, after all, she's a hound too; they understand each other.

Bella's obsession is playing fetch. She even has a rash gaurd to protect her, and she loves to swim! Splash would run as fast as she can after her to try to get the ball, but ended up settling for snatching it once Bella dropped it. A beagle at top speed is no match for an athletic lab like Bella!

Henry and Murphy on the run, they are chasing after Bella and Splash. It was a gorgeous day, so much fun!

Hooray for Sunshine!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 | by Elaine | Labels: , , , , | 0 comments

Meet Henry! He's a labradoodle and today was his very first Urban Escape. He looks like he's having a great time, doesn't he? He loved it!

Big Boy takes a rest and is on watch in case someone or something comes our way.

Sage and Laila after romping in the grass.

Henry if the foreground watches his brother, Murphy exploring the trail. In the background are Laila and Sage.